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Public Relations Council

The Public Relations Council is a working group designed to help drive cross-relational partnerships among a broad sector of city stakeholders with the goal of unifying our city, telling a cohesive Sunnyvale story and creating a greater sense of community.

What We Do

The Council actively helps advance the Chambers external branding and marketing strategies and drives partnerships to integrate Chamber initiatives with City and Community initiatives to enhance the Sunnyvale brand.
The Council considers, develops, and leads strategies that advance an integrated and unified “Sunnyvale, Open for Business” brand message that maximizes external visibility, enhances the community's reputation, and promotes a positive cohesive image. The Council works with the Chamber staff, Ninico Communications, the City of Sunnyvale, Community Stakeholders and relevant Influencers to help drive marketing initiatives focused on showcasing our outstanding City.

Interested in learning more or volunteering to serve on this committee, please contact Chamber CEO, Dawn Maher at dawn@svcoc.org.